DISCONTINUED: BSSFL03 Contractor Silver Float Mirror
This mirror has been discontinued.
The Ablaze Contractor Silver Float Glass Mirrors features a 4mm silver mirror with a 5mm silver slump glass border adding a touch of flare and difference to your design.
This mirror comes with metal hangers on the back and is designed so it can be mounted to the wall both portrait or landscape to help you achieve your design. The BSSFL03 mirror is 900x750mm.
What is best for cleaning mirrors?
For best results clean mirrors with methylated spirits and water at a rate of 30% methylated spirits and 70% water. Do not use Windex or similar chemical cleaning products. Avoid getting water on the sides or back of the mirror as damage to silver backing can occur. In coastal areas it is recommended to wipe around the edge of the mirror once a month to avoid salt build up that can cause silver creep.
Do you do custom size mirrors?
The contactor range of mirrors cannot be custom sized unless for a large quantity. However, the signature range of mirror can be custom sized to your requirements.
How is the mirror fixed to the wall?
All of the contractor range of mirror are supplied with metal brackets on the back of the mirror. Screws are inserted into the wall in the required positions and then the mirror is hung on these screws through the metal brackets.